Exploratory Data Science
on Raw Data



2022-07-20​ Project Milestone-6

The project Milestone-6 took place at the project office of DFKI.

2022-07-19​ Workshop on Marketing Options for Open Source-Method/Opportunities/Challenges

Matthias Boehm and Claus Neubauer participated in the workshop.

2022-07-05​ Smarte Datenwirtschaft, Abschlussveranstaltung

Claus Neubauer participated in the panel discussion.

2022-06-27​ Imagine22, Austrian Data Day (Viena)

Matthias Boehm participated in the panel discussion and presented Exdra project.

2022-02-07​ „Lang Lebe die Maschine“

Im Fokus – KI und Datenwirtschaft in der Produktion, Institut für Innovation und Technik (iit) in der VDI/VDE Innovation + Technik.
Exdra project was published in the magazine.

2022-01-27​ BVMW workshop for SME

Matthias Boehm and Claus Neubauer presented in the workshop.

2021-12-09​ Project Milestone-5

The project Milestone-5 took place online.

2021-11-18 Stanford/ETH Zurich Data-centric AI workshop

Matthias Boehm presented the work Data Independence in ML Pipelines and Data Science Workflows.

2021-09-21 BMWi Vernetzungstreffen Smarte Datenwirtschaft

Gregor Weller and Claus Neubauer presented the ExDRA project poster.

2021-09-09 International Symposium, Berlin, Podiumsdiskussion

Matthias Böhm and Claus Neubauer participated International Symposium in Berlin.

2021-08-10 AI Lunch, IIT Virtual

Matthias Böhm and Claus Neubauer participated in the IIT Virtual event.

2021-06-02​ Project Milestone-4

The project Milestone-4 took place online.

2020-12-10​ Project Milestone-3

The project Milestone-3 took place online.

2020-05-06​ Project Milestone-2

The project Milestone-2 took place online.

2019-07-10 Kick-Off

The kick-off of the project took place at the DFKI Berlin.

2019-06-01 exdra project launch

The official exdra project launch took place on the 1 June 2019.